Frequently Asked Questions
When is the abstract submission deadline?
The abstract submission deadline for Keynote Symposia is 3 January 2014 and 17 January 2014 for the Early Career Researcher and Main Conference.
When will I be notified if my abstract has been accepted?
All submitting authors will be advised of the outcome on 4 April 2014.
When is the early registration deadline?
The deadline for the early registration is 23 May 2014.
Do I have to pay by credit/debit card online or can I be invoiced?
We request that all registrations are paid for online, however if this is not possible please contact us at
Would I still be able to register on-site at the conference?
Unfortunately, presenting authors of abstracts need to register by the deadline otherwise their paper will be withdrawn. However, if you wish to register as a delegate, then you can do so by simply turning up at the conference. Our registration desk is open every day throughout the conference. Please note that the on-site fees are more expensive.
I won’t be able to attend the whole conference – Is there a day rate?
There are NO day rates, and the full registration fees apply regardless of how long you spend at the conference.
I received the following error message when trying to complete the payment process on the registration site:
Card type not selected
Please check that you have ticked the card payment button positioned to the left of the card details section otherwise your registration will not be successful.
Unfortunately this message suggests that your credit card provider is blocking payment and your registration is not complete. Please contact your bank directly to resolve this issue and repeat the online registration process.