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Diana Burton, Professor

Professor of Education at University of Wolverhampton

Diana Burton is an established academic with extensive University leadership experience. She held senior leadership posts in 3 institutions, including HOD at MMU, Dean of Education at LJMU and later Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research & External Engagement). In 2013 Diana joined Wolverhampton part-time to lead education research and is currently an honorary professor there. She maintains both national and international involvement in higher education and continues to write and publish. Diana has an M.Ed and a PhD in the field of Educational Psychology and has authored over 100 publications. A 6th edition of her leading co-authored ‘Introduction to Education Studies’, will be published by Sage in 2024. Her research interests include teacher education, children’s learning, education policy and practitioner enquiry. Diana has been active with BERA since the 90s, sitting on BERA’s Finance & Operations Committee and chairing BERA’s Risk and Audit Assessment Committee, 2017 – 2022.

Diana Burton's contributions

International Women’s Day

On #InternationalWomensDay, BERA is celebrating the incredible achievements and contributions of women in educational research. Read below for a selection of exciting BERA events, blogs and...

News7 Mar 2024


BERA offers over £80,000 of awards and opportunities annually. This event will feature our first awards ceremony highlighting some of those winners and their work, as well as the achievements and...

Video8 Nov 2023

Leadership Committee

The role of the BERA Leadership Committee (formally General Purposes Committee (GPC)) is to: Ensure that in all of its activities BERA works towards its three strategic objectives: to advance...

Finance & Operations Committee

The role of the Finance & Operations Committee is to: Ensure that the financial basis upon which BERA operates is secure; Ensure that the principles and practices of employment we offer to...

BERA Council and Committees

BERA Council is supported by a number of standing committees and steering groups who are tasked with actioning the decisions of BERA Council. BERA Council is made up of the following: The...