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Special Interest Group

Mathematics Education

An inclusive community for conversations about mathematics education research

The BERA Mathematics Education SIG aims to bring together researchers interested in all aspects of mathematics learning and teaching, both inside and outside of formal educational settings. We embrace an eclectic range of methodological and conceptual approaches to mathematics education research, encouraging creative approaches to tackling current issues.

Research interests 

Research interests are wide ranging and include both responses to current debates in education and exploration of issues that have long been associated with mathematics education. We aim to be inclusive and to welcome new perspectives. Some examples are represented by presenters at recent PRiME events

SIG aims

  • To support mathematics education practitioner researchers through the annual one-day Practitioner Research in Mathematics Education (PRiME) conference (run in collaboration with the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM)), providing opportunities to share both recent research and research in progress and for networking
  • To enhance networking and research collaborations across the UK, for example by hosting regular fora exploring aspects of mathematics education across the four nations
  • To encourage critical engagement with policy and practice initiatives
  • To build and maintain links with other mathematics education organisations both nationally and internationally.

BERA Mathematics Education Forum

SIG Convenors

Profile picture of Gill Adams
Gill Adams, Dr

Reader in Education at Sheffield Hallam University

Gill is a Reader in Education at the Sheffield Institute of Education (SIoE), Sheffield Hallam University. She came into higher education after seventeen years’ experience teaching and leading secondary mathematics and six years as a...

Profile picture of Gwen Ineson
Gwen Ineson, Dr

Reader in Mathematics Education at Brunel University

Gwen Ineson is a Reader in Mathematics Education at Brunel University London, where she is Deputy Head of the Department of Education. She supervises a number of doctoral researchers and her main teaching is on the primary PGCE, where she is...

Profile picture of Corinne Angier
Corinne Angier, Ms

PHD student at University of Stirling

My initial undergraduate education was in agriculture and forestry and I have a masters’ in forestry and land management. I trained to be a secondary mathematics teacher through an innovative a progressive two-year programme at Sheffield Hallam...

Content associated with this SIG

Practitioner Research in Mathematics Education

5 Jul 2025 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

The aim of this PRiME event is to build the capacity of practitioner researchers through engagement with the wider research community. This aim will be achieved by: Providing an opportunity...

Upcoming eventVirtual

10 years of the BERA Blog

This series celebrates one decade of the BERA Blog, as an important and growing space to explore current and varied issues and questions of concern to the education community. To mark this...

Blog Series