Spring 2025
International comparative education
Research Intelligence is BERA’s quarterly magazine, available to all members in print and digital formats. The magazine covers a wide range of topics related to education research, including announcements, news, and feature articles.
Research Intelligence reaches 3,000 members across 60 countries and is distributed to nearly all higher education institutions in the UK, as well as schools and colleges.
The magazine operates a guest editor system, whereby for each issue a different team of editors commission articles that address a particular theme.
Research Intelligence is available at no cost to BERA members. Past issues can be accessed below.
The theme of each issue of Research Intelligence is determined by BERA’s Publications Committee. BERA members are invited to propose guest editors for special sections on these themes. Guest editors, either individually or in collaboration with colleagues, are responsible for commissioning, editing, and writing an editorial for their section. Calls for guest editors will be posted on our opportunities page.
The Committee is also open to considering speculative proposals. We welcome ideas from members for future themes to be explored in upcoming issues. To submit a suggestion, please email publications@bera.ac.uk.
If you’re interested in advertising in Research Intelligence, the following rates apply (excluding VAT):
For more details, please contact the BERA office at enquiries@bera.ac.uk.
Showing results 1–12 of 160
International comparative education
Reclaiming teacher education: Opportunities for a research informed & politically engaged profession
Research Intelligence issue 160: Democracy & education
Research Intelligence issue 159: Partnering with generative artificial intelligence to write: The future of academic publishing
Research Intelligence issue 158: Unheard voices: Language education outside the mainstream
Research Intelligence issue 157: Research & practice on migration & education across the four nations of the UK
Research Intelligence issue 156: Intersectionality: Teaching & learning in UK schools
Research Intelligence issue 155: Practitioner research: Development, collaboration & dissemination
Research Intelligence issue 154: Education: The State of the Discipline
Research Intelligence issue 153: Off the cutting room floor: Learning from research when things do not go as planned
Research Intelligence issue 152: SOS (Save Our Staff): Protecting & enhancing staff wellbeing in education
Pandemic, protests, recovery, opportunities: Repositioning of educational research, teaching & learning Research Intelligence issue 151 This second decade of the 21st century continues to...